
Zainab is a successful girl who supports her family financially, but considers herself a boy in spirit, and now she has decided to undergo gender transition, but in addition to her family’s opposition and the society’s inappropriate view of this issue, she has more difficulties There is something more important to come. she, who played in the country’s national volleyball team for a while and is now in the Bartar league, if she does this, she will be removed from professional volleyball forever due to her short stature compared to men, and not only will she lose her professional future, but also her livelihood and her family who are under her care will be in trouble.

Iran, 2023, 13 min

Production: Tarbiat Modares University 

Language: Persian

Format: DCP

Scriptwriters:  Iranmehr Salimi, Zahra – Jesmani

Director:   Iranmehr Salimi

Producer: Iranmehr Salimi