The film is based on the audio and video chronicles of the 1970s and 1980s and the correspondence of two close friends, students of the Medical University of Bucharest, Maria from Romania and Zahra from Iran. In 1979, a revolution took place in Tehran, as a result of which the country changed from the shah’s monarchy to an Islamic republic. Zahra, who decided to return to her country for a while, now lost her right to leave Iran. Therefore, communication with Maria was only through letters…

Romania, Croatia, 2023, 98’, 

Active Docs, Restart.

Languages: Romanian, Farsi

Format: DCP

Scriptwriters: Lavina Braniste, Vlad Petri

Director: Vlad Petri

Сomposer: Filip Sertic

Producer: Monica Lazuren-Gorgan

Cast: Ilinka Harnut, Victoria Stoic